Bibliographies on this Site

Bibliographies on Other Sites

Weblink Allentown Holocaust Resource Center Bibliography prepared by Ned Shulman

Weblink Anne Frank: A Bibliography prepared by the Internet School Library Media Center.

Weblink Bibliography for Children and Young Adults, James Madison University

Weblink The Cybrary's bibliography of fiction, memoirs, diaries, poetry, drama, art, and literary criticism.

Weblink The Cybrary's bibliography of general and specialized history.

Weblink Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography

Weblink Holocaust Resource List from the Northern Michigan University's Lydia M. Olson Library (text document)

Weblink Jewish Children in Books Bibliography by Wendy Lanehart, Inez Ramsey, and Sharon Gale

Weblink The Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals: An Annotated Bibliography of Nonfiction Sources in English by Gerard Koskovich

Weblink Nizkor Project

Weblink Roman Catholic clergyin Nazi camps and prisons.

Weblink Women and the Holocaust

Weblink Women and the Holocaust

Weblink Children's Books about the Holocaust: A Selective Annotated Bibliography compiled by the Holocaust Resource Center and Archives:

Weblink Wiesenthal Center Bibliographies:

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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